Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Blah"

Other questions about "Blah"

Q: I would like to know how to use “blah blah blah,” “yada yada yada,” “so-and-so” and “whatnot.” Could you tell me the differences among them? Or, could you tell me which is OK and which is not about the examples below?

1. I went to his house, blah blah blah, I was tired.
2. I went to his house, yada yada yada, I was tired.
3. I went to his house, so-and-so, I was tired.
4. I went to his house, and whatnot, I was tired.

5. I’ve got to do blah blah blah.
6. I’ve got to do yada yada yada.
7. I’ve got to do so-and-so.
8. I’ve got to do what not.

9. Mr. Blah blah blah
10. Mr. Yada yada yada
11. Mr. So-and-so
12. Mr. Whatnot

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