Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Brexit"

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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I think Brexit is a good idea, because it reduces dissatisfaction towards immigrants amongst the British. ‎Now, British people think that the number of immigrants from EU has been increasing rapidly and they have been stealing British people’s jobs. ‎Some people even think that the public safety in UK has been getting worse because of them. ‎So, I am worried that some British people will keep blaming immigrants for all the bad things that happened to them, even though they might support labor supply in UK. Also, I am concerned that discrimination against immigrants is getting worse. ‎For this reason, I think that UK should withdraw from EU and control themselves freely now, even if they have potential of labor shortage, isolation in Europe, and economic confusion. ‎If everything goes well, it’s good. ‎If not, they can think about re-entry into EU by paying lots of money.

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