Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Chad"

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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Dear Chad,
I understand what you concerned, but because of the limitations of our company’s regulation and the ordering system. We can only place an order until we get approval for both documents and samples.
Taking into account the urgency of time that if you send out the sample this week, we are expecting to get the test result at the end of June. And by that time you ship out the goods, it is expected that we will receive the goods by the end of September. Adding the time for customs clearance and inspections, we may not be able to keep up with the demand before the coming new crop. We hope that you can arrange the sample and provide the document as soon as possible.
Dear Mike,
We’d like you to give out your words here with Chad. We are subject to company regulations. Sending samples first is the only best way to us.

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