Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Afternoon"

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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? The afternoon was cold and snowy. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
When Asuka open the door, a man wearing a black suit and a weird hat was standing there. "Are you Asuka?" he said. She didn't know why he knew her name, but she said yes. "Here is an invitation to our magic school. Get ready to come with me right now." he said. She packed her things quickly,told her mother that she was going to an convenience store and left home. He didn't tell her where they were heading for. Walk for a few minutes and they reached a small house. "Go into this house. it leads to our school. The president is waiting for you." he said. She was scary but at the same time very curious to know if his words were true. she entered the house and went straight on in darkness. She had a feeling that something unimaginable was about to happen, though she couldn't put her finger on it
A: Here are my edits, see if you like them. I have something of an obsession with meeting word counts perfectly, so this is exactly 150 words. You said the prompt isn't part of the story so I'm not counting that.


When Asuka opened the door, she was greeted with the sight of a man clad in a black suit and hat.

“Are you Asuka?” he said.

“Y – Yes…” she said guardedly.

"Here is an invitation to our magic school. Get ready to come with me right now."

She packed her things in haste. Telling her mother that she was headed to the convenience store, she left her home.

He didn't answer any of her questions. After a few minutes’ walk, they reached a small house.

"Go into this house,” he said. “It leads to our school. The president is waiting for you."

Overwhelming curiosity to uncover the truth behind his intentions drowned her fear and apprehension. She entered the house, and walked straight forward, the darkness inside swallowing her. She had a feeling that something of unprecedented significance was about to happen, but she couldn't put her finger on it.


A few tips I want to mention are that you should use more concrete language rather than abstract most of the time. For example, I have no idea what a "weird" hat is. Use a word that makes an image form in the reader's head. I'd use something like "a hat that looked like it came straight out of a 19th century history book". Wordier, but more concrete.

Another thing is show instead of telling. Don't tell us Asuka said yes, show her doing it. In my creative writing class, we did an assignment (we had to write a short story) before the Christmas break. I got a 98% on my story. One of the reasons I tend to do better than everyone else in English and writing classes is I focusing on "showing" the action. This is probably the best piece of advice I can give.

Lastly, I'd recommend going for more believable interactions between characters. If someone tells your character that she's enrolled in a magic school, her reaction shouldn't be so nonchalant.

Other than that, your story was good. It was natural. It's probably even better than what a lot of people in my writing class submit, and they're all native speakers.

That's my personal opinion, I guess. I don't say I'm definitely right about everything, but I do think I am lol

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