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Q: The below is an excerpt form the article "Graduating in the Navajo Way" from the Smithsonian magazine. I do not understand what "Native American students are vital to the global experience" means in this context. Does this mean something like "Native American students need to have global experience" or " their existence itself is global" or "Their experience is part of what has happened globally"?

When the ceremony concluded, families huddled around their graduates, and we made our way back to the hooghan to meet with Dr. Wesley Thomas. Thomas is a cultural anthropologist and the initiator of Diné studies and the graduate studies program at NTU. He articulated the challenges of introducing global issues in an environment where local struggles are so dire. He introduces students to Palestine, Ferguson, and South America, noting, “The students are too busy surviving on the reservation, so here I provide that for them.” As Thomas explained, cultural genocide has multiple forms: the legacy of stolen lands, trauma from the Long March, toxic environmental issues, and livestock reduction, to name a few.

Navajo Technical University graduation Professor Anita Roastingear echoed the sentiment about tension between local struggles, survival of indigenous ways, and global issues. “Native American students are vital to the global experience,” she said. “We have to know the dominant society, languages, court system, educational system, but we don’t have to be conquered by them.”

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