Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Growing"

The meaning of "Growing" in various phrases and sentences

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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? As we are able to live longer, a growing emphasis has been placed on mental health. Unfortunately, one out of eight South Koreans reportedly experienced depression last year. Depression seems like an epidemic in the nation. The poor, the elderly and women are especially vulnerable to the disease. Nevertheless, a great number of depressions cases go unreported. In other words, only 9.7% of people with depression seek medical help.
What matters worse, the suicide rate in South Korea has ranked the highest among the OECD nations over the 10 consecutive years. Given the fact that many people who committed suicide had suffered from depression, there is a high link between suicide and depression.

Therefore, the government should make real efforts to reduce the suicide rates rather than come up with quick fixes like installing screen doors on the subway to prevent people from jumping on railways. Instead, it should take practical measures. First, It should help depression patients who are rejected by insurers. Second, it should help eliminate prejudice against depression. Depression is not an incurable disease. Most patients can be cured by anti-depressants. Still, many people depression hesitate to seek treatment due to the prejudice. Patients also need to make efforts themselves. Outdoor activities help them to relieve stress. Support from people around them helps them to overcome depression.

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