Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Heel"

Example sentences using "Heel"

Q: Napisz przykładowe zdania z "follow (hard) on the heels"
A: Hard on the heels is not used much anymore.

1- Now, all this comes on the heels of what was the deadliest attack here since the they ended their push, their offensive near the coast.
2- There it follows hard on the heels of introductions to the academic essay and the personal essay.
3- Disaster follows on the heels of calamity for the northernmost part of North America.
4- The move follows hard on the heels of an acquisition which has seen business gains in the west of Scotland.
5- Numbness came a bit too late in the game for me, right on the heels of anger.
6- It comes on the heels of a successful November launch of a new round of global trade talks.
7- The call comes on the heels of the Council finally making a decision to award its Dog kennelling contract after two years of debate.
8- Crossing the coastal plain on the heels of the main herd was a bit like walking through a barnyard.
9- I find that the coverage of recent events comes on the heels of the May ratings sweeps.
10- Indeed, this exhibition falls fast on the heels of Victoria Crowe's paintings celebrating the life of a Scottish shepherdess.
11- First came surfboards, and right on the heels of that came surf trunks and wetsuits.
12- Hot on the heels of the National Galleries of Scotland's blockbusting Monet show comes another Impressionist.
13- The youngest was only 4, but his stirrups are cinched up to accommodate his little legs and there are spurs on the heels of his boots.
14- It gets even tougher when an economic downturn follows hard on the heels of an economic upswing.
15- It is the year the Great Depression was ushered in on the heels of the 1929 stock market crash.
16- Toronto has passed a pesticide ban, hot on the heels of more progressive burgs.
This comes on the heels of a very successful state visit that President Hu Jintao just recently paid to France.
17-These excellent results are following hard on the heels of an impressive Oftsed report.
18- Close on the heels of the costliest ad ever made in India here comes an encore from the Siyaram stable.
19- From the States came rhythm and blues, hot on the heels of swing and jazz which had arrived some years earlier.

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