Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Percent"

Synonyms of "Percent" and their differences

Q: Jaka jest różnica między percent i percentage ?
A: Are Percent and Percentage Synonyms? Are they Interchangeable?

Unfortunately, no. Percent and percentage are two of the most misused terms in the English language, even by English and math professors who should know better.

Fortunately, it 's easy to learn when you should use percent vs. percentage. A percent is a number; a percentage is an amount.

Did you know there was a difference between these two words before reading this article?

Yes, and I understood the difference.
Yes, but I didn't know what the difference was.
I thought they might be different, but I wasn't sure.
No, I always thought they were interchangeable.
I'm not sure -- or -- other answer


A "percent" is always a specific number, amount, or quantity, such as 5 percent or 100 percent.

"Percent": Usage rules:

Never spell out the number in front of the word "percent", even if you would normally spell it out. For example, "5 percent" is correct, not "five percent".
Always use one space between the number and "percent". For example, "5 percent" is correct, "5percent" is incorrect.
Spell out "percent" as one word, never "per cent" or "per ¢" or "%".
"Percent": Exceptions to the Usage Rules (Pesky, but Necessary)

It's okay to use the symbol "%" in tables and highly technical materials where the term comes up repeatedly.
Or, if it is mandated in your house style guide.
Or, if it is used directly in or on a product, such as a user interface, that you are documenting.


A percentage is never a specific amount, such as "5 percentage" or "-12 percentage", it is a generalization or trend in specific amounts.

"Percentage": Examples

For example:

...a greater percentage of students...
...test results showed higher percentages in most subjects, sometimes up to 20 percent higher...
...we're looking for a lower percentage of...
...rates went down by a large percentage... it now before the discount percentages disappear...

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