Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Singular"

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Q: How to learn singular / plural?
A: We define uncountable as a group of something that given "normal quantities" you would not be ABLE to count. Example: Salt <---- This is something that realistically you could not count.

Expectations is something countable. If I start a new job, I may have only 1 expectation (being treated politely), maybe I have two expectations, (be treated politely, and have a good salary) See here these are things that can be counted. Think of them this way, if could reasonably have one of something (does not matter if it is physical or metaphorical) if you CAN have one (under normal circumstances) it is a countable noun. The problem is that we have what are called "plural only" nouns. This is something that come as a plural only, such as scissors, pants, clothes, etc.

Basically it has to be thought of logically, Pepper (the seasoning, not the vegetable) while you COULD have one grain of pepper, when IF EVER would this occur in real life ? Pepper under normal circumstances are always going to come in a number you could not count. However, pepper the vegetable, reasonably from a logical point of view could be found in a singular amount. The same goes for expectations, while typically you would have more than one expectation, you can reasonably have only one expectation for something.

For the most part across many languages uncountable versus singular only nouns do not change much from language to language. Rather they just may or may not take on various forms depending on context. English has a lot of strange quirks to the language that are not present any most other languages of the world. Uncountable versus countable nouns is not one of them. What makes English actually easier in many situations is that we have very few MASS nouns, which in many romance and (from what I have recently learned) Slavic languages use very frequently.

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