Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Situation"

The meaning of "Situation" in various phrases and sentences

Example sentences using "Situation"

Q: Napisz przykładowe zdania z In what situations do you prefer to use BEGIN instead of START or vice versa?.
A: The first thing that comes to mind is "Press start to begin." You might see that on a game, app, or test.
In some situations, "begin" is a slightly less casual way to say "start," but not always.

When referring to the start of a school semester, you could say "classes start June 1." You could use "begin" there, and it sounds just slightly more formal.

Same thing when referring to the schedule of a class, like "class starts at 8," although "begins" sounds sort of stuffy there to me, like an upset teacher might say, "class began at 8" if you're late.
Same with something like, "I'm starting to think you're hiding from me." Using "beginning" there is sort of stuffy and also condescending.

If you're taking a timed exam and have to wait to start, they'll probably say, "begin." or "you may begin."

There are some phrases that work best with just one. Like,
"what time does the movie start?" "It starts at 8."
"I'm starting to get a cold."
"I've got the beginnings of a cold." (very unusual, but some in my family say this)
"Let's get started." (with a task or project)
"I'll start studying tonight."
"I'll begin the procedure once the patient is sedated."
"I'll start with the [name of appetizer]."
"Start from the beginning." (tell me what happened, starting with what happened first...or, perform the piece, starting with the first part of it.)
"This job is a fresh start." (something unpleasant happened in previous one)
"This year is going to be a new beginning." ("fresh start" would work here.)

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