Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Sleepless"

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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? "Restless and sleepless nights going by in the room filled with darkness, on one hand, I'm crying out loud staring at the ceiling relentlessly, and my head keeps buzzing around with the questions; why did I step in this world? What's the purpose of my life? where can I find my inner peace? and where am I heading? on the other hand, anxiety and depression are trying to haunt my mind and take my spirit out of the body. Despite having all these issues in my life, one unconditional love keeps protecting me from these negativities and I always want to be thankful for that, and I want to live the rest of my life for it. I wouldn't have made this far if it weren't for that love. When I cry thinking how much I miss them, Every single drop of the tears that comes from my eyes makes me love them even stronger. The person will never know and I don't want them to know how much I love them unconditionally. Even though I'm far away from them, my unconditional love for them always sticks deeply within my soul."

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