Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Squid"

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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? About eating raw squid in Japan: I would like you to change this whole sentences to more natural and grammatically correct English please.
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In Japan, eating squid sashimi is popular.
Some people know that fresh raw squid without boiling and freezing occasionally has parasites in it that is still alive.

Its fresh body is usually shredded because this cutting method can kill the parasites as much as possible.

Its fresh arms are also eaten for sashimi but it is not chopped to a small size.
Arm part is more likely than body part to have the parasites.
It is advised to chew squid arm very well so that you can avoid eating parasites alive.

You might be told by a restaurant staff the same advise especially about eating arms, if they offer really fresh and tasty squid.
However, you don't need to worry about it so much.

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