Zaktualizowano na
24 maj 2015

  • japoński
  • angielski (amerykański)
  • chiński uproszczony (Chiny)
Pytanie o angielski (amerykański)

What does "snap" in the last line mean?

Leonard: That's Penny's ex-boyfriend.
Sheldon: What do you suppose he's doing here? Besides disrupting the local gravity field.
Leonard: If he were any bigger, he'd have moons orbiting him.
Sheldon: Oh, snap. So I guess we'll be leaving now.

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What does "snap" in the last line mean?

Leonard: That's Penny's ex-boyfriend.
Sheldon: What do you suppose he's doing here? Besides disrupting the local gravity field.
Leonard: If he were any bigger, he'd have moons orbiting him.
Sheldon: Oh, snap. So I guess we'll be leaving now.
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