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Pytanie o angielski (amerykański)

Czy to brzmi naturalnie? German history-Reinhardswald(famous forest)

This area is widely known as the home of fairytale legends and tales of the Grimm brothers.
Legend describes the birth of Reinhardtwald:
Reinhardt, the lord of the region, loved gambling, and he lost all his property to the bishop.
As a last request to the bishop, the lord asked the bishop to allow him to harvest one last time in the estate.
It is said that the lords destroyed villages and planted acorn trees that took 100 years for the first harvest to create Reichswald.
Of course, before the first harvest, the bishop died, and the lord could continue to occupy the land.
After that, many years later, residents whose main business was to collect todori began to settle in the early days.
The highlight of Reichswald is the "sleeping princess in the forest" castle and the primeval forest.

Could you check the grammars and vocabularies?
Does it look natural?
[Aktualności] Hej, Ty! Ty uczący się języka!

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