Zaktualizowano na
16 sty 2021

  • japoński
  • angielski (amerykański)
  • chiński uproszczony (Chiny)
  • hiszpański (Hiszpania)
Pytanie o angielski (amerykański)

Czy to brzmi naturalnie? German Prime Minister Angela Merkel criticized Twitter's permanent suspension on Trump's account through her spokesman on 11th Jan., saying free speech was "a fundamental right of vital importance" that could be restricted "only in accordance with the laws and within the framework defined by the legislator, not by the decision of the management of social media platforms". This reference was all the more remarkable because she had conflicted with Trump more often than most of other Western leaders.

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  • angielski (amerykański)

  • japoński
[Aktualności] Hej, Ty! Ty uczący się języka!

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