Zaktualizowano na
26 gru 2021

  • angielski (brytyjski)
  • japoński
  • francuski (Francja)
  • koreański
Pytanie o koreański

그런데 길이 막히면 서울에서 부산까지 10시간이나 걸려요. “But if the road is blocked, it takes 10 hours from Seoul to Busan”.

For 이나, which means “as many as” in this sentence, why is it used instead of 쯤 and 정도? Also, what does 걸리다 mean in the context of this sentence? There’s many meanings of it and I don’t know which one it’s using for this sentence?

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  • koreański

  • koreański

  • angielski (brytyjski)

  • koreański

  • angielski (brytyjski)
[Aktualności] Hej, Ty! Ty uczący się języka!

Udostępnij to pytanie
그런데 길이 막히면 서울에서 부산까지 10시간이나 걸려요. “But if the road is blocked, it takes 10 hours from Seoul to Busan”. 

For 이나, which means “as many as” in this sentence, why is it used instead of 쯤 and 정도? Also, what does 걸리다 mean in the context of this sentence? There’s many meanings of it and I don’t know which one it’s using for this sentence?
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