Zaktualizowano na
29 mar 2017

  • angielski (amerykański)
  • hindi
  • niemiecki
  • portugalski (Brazylia)
Pytanie o POLSKA

I'm from South East Asia (to be specific from India) But currently a resident of germany. How about having a tour to Poland?? Is there anything I need to keep in mind as I have heard every polish doesn't like brown guys 😞. what are the best places to roam??

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  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region NIEMCY

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA
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  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region NIEMCY

  • Kraj lub region NIEMCY

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region NIEMCY

  • Kraj lub region NIEMCY

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region NIEMCY

  • Kraj lub region POLSKA

  • Kraj lub region NIEMCY
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I'm from South East Asia (to be specific from India) But currently a resident of germany. How about having a tour to Poland?? Is there anything I need to keep in mind as I have heard every polish doesn't like brown guys 😞. what are the best places to roam??
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