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Pytanie o portugalski (Brazylia)

Jak to przetłumaczyć na portugalski (Brazylia)? The flock of birds, the herd of reindeer, the swarm of butterflies, the group of sea cows (manatees), the cloud of bats, the flock of geese, and the pool of whales go back home.

I am trying to see how all these different groups of animals would be called in Brazil. These are all the proper terms to call these animals if you were to refer to them in groups. How would they be referred to in Brazil?
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  • portugalski (Brazylia)

  • portugalski (Portugalia)
  • portugalski (Brazylia)

  • angielski (amerykański)
  • portugalski (Brazylia) Niemal biegły

  • portugalski (Brazylia)
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Jak to przetłumaczyć na portugalski (Brazylia)?  The flock of birds, the herd of reindeer, the swarm of butterflies, the group of sea cows (manatees), the cloud of bats, the flock of geese, and the pool of whales go back home.
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