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8 lut 2023

  • chiński uproszczony (Chiny)
  • angielski (brytyjski)
  • japoński
Pytanie o angielski (brytyjski)

*Would you please help me correct the grammar mistakes?🥺

Ginkgo has been around for 300 million years—that’s the reason why it’s called antiquity itself. As the only member in ginkgo biloba, makes it unique in botanical history.

According to the research, China has 70% ginkgo trees in the world. And it’s quiet easy to find beautiful images of ginkgo in literature works written in Chinese. Because it symbolizing part of the weight of archaic history.

Therefore, the shape of ginkgo leaf is very common to be seen as a symbol of elegance and knowledge.

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  • angielski (brytyjski)

  • chiński uproszczony (Chiny)
[Aktualności] Hej, Ty! Ty uczący się języka!

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*Would you please help me correct the grammar mistakes?🥺

Ginkgo has been around for 300 million years—that’s the reason why it’s called antiquity itself. As the only member in ginkgo biloba, makes it unique in botanical history. 

According to the research, China has 70% ginkgo trees in the world. And it’s quiet easy to find beautiful images of ginkgo in literature works written in Chinese. Because it symbolizing part of the weight of archaic history. 

Therefore, the shape of ginkgo leaf is very common to be seen as a symbol of elegance and knowledge.
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