Zaktualizowano na
24 mar 2023

  • rosyjski
  • angielski (amerykański)
  • koreański
  • japoński
Pytanie o koreański

Napisz przykładowe zdania z guys, pls, tell me why in this sentence is used 에게
저에게 우산이 두개 있으니까 하나 빌려 드릴까요?
cause I know that 에게/한테 is used in dative case for someone to whom you are giving smth
but here it's not 저는 or 제가 but 저에게 even though it's clear that it's not dative case
. Postaraj się o przykłady zdań z życia codziennego.

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  • koreański

  • rosyjski

  • rosyjski

  • koreański

  • rosyjski
[Aktualności] Hej, Ty! Ty uczący się języka!

Udostępnij to pytanie
Napisz przykładowe zdania z guys, pls, tell me why in this sentence is used 에게 
저에게 우산이 두개 있으니까 하나 빌려 드릴까요? 
cause I know that 에게/한테 is used in dative case for someone to whom you are giving smth 
but here it's not 저는 or 제가 but 저에게 even though it's clear that it's not dative case .
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