Zaktualizowano na
30 mar 2023

  • angielski (amerykański)
  • koreański
  • japoński
  • portugalski (Brazylia)
Pytanie o JAPONIA

What are some etiquette rules in Japan? I heard of certain food rules that go with rice are those true? Rice is only paired with salty or savory foods?

Feel free to go into detail and give multiple examples:) The more the better!
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  • Kraj lub region STANY ZJEDNOCZONE

  • Kraj lub region JAPONIA

  • Kraj lub region JAPONIA

  • Kraj lub region STANY ZJEDNOCZONE
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What are some etiquette rules in Japan? I heard of certain food rules that go with rice are those true? Rice is only paired with salty or savory foods?
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