Zaktualizowano na
19 sie 2018

  • arabski
  • francuski (Francja) Niemal biegły
  • angielski (brytyjski)
  • włoski
  • portugalski (Portugalia)
Pytanie zamknięte

‎‎ - Please explain why 'utopia' is written in a capital letter in the main example we can find in the Oxford Dictionary for the entry 'utopia' -
‘a romantic vision of Utopia’. I certainly miss something about that ''Utopia''.

- Does 'in a bad light' only collocates with 'to show'?
What about 'to put', like in 'His superficial answer puts (instead of 'shows') him in a bad light.'?
Thanks a lot. :)

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‎‎ - Please explain why 'utopia' is written in a capital letter in the main example we can find in the Oxford Dictionary for the entry 'utopia' - 
‘a romantic vision of Utopia’. I certainly miss something about that ''Utopia''.

- Does 'in a bad light' only collocates with 'to show'? 
What about 'to put', like in 'His superficial answer puts (instead of 'shows') him in a bad light.'?
Thanks a lot. :)
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